ACE Europe is a consultancy firm based in Belgium. ACE Europe conducts evaluations of projects and programmes in developing countries and/or projects aiming at influencing social change. It moreover provides tailor made training and support to organizations active in these domains. Our areas of expertise are: local development (local governance, quality of services and access to education, water, healthcare and food; and city-to-city cooperation), capacity building, lobby and advocacy, monitoring and evaluation, gender and development education.
How to strengthen capacity of an organisation?
How to strengthen the effectiveness of your lobby and advocacy strategy?
How does an organization know that its interventions work and that they contribute to social change?
How to take into account different influence of development interventions on men and women?
How do local stakeholders take decisions together on the development of their municipality, city or region?
How to stimulate learning processes among children and adults concerning global problems and challenges?
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