Project details

Final evaluation of the Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) with the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Mozambique

Year: 2018 | Topic: Capacity building


VLIR-UOS, the  Flemish institution for academic development cooperation, provided the funds for an Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) program between Flemish universities and the UEM of Mozambique. The program focusses on varying themes such as human rights, social rights, gender equality and health and family issues. ACE Europe’s focus was on assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of the program.


Based on a field study in Mozambique, through interviews and an online survey ACE Europe assessed which lessons can be learned from the program, for all stakeholders involved. 

Client: VLIR-UOS

Budget: €20768

Executer: Corina Dhaene

Contractor: Katia Taela (nationale consultant)

Continent: Africa
Country: Mozambique