Project details

Oxfam World Shops DGD programme 2017-2021 evaluation

Year: 2022 | Topic: Lobby and advocacy


The programme aims to influence policy makers so that they take policy initiatives towards sustainable, inclusive economic development. The programme hopes to stimulate an open political debate by also focusing on an open public debate where various stakeholders (own volunteers, civil society organisations, media and opinion makers, children and youth, and the general public) make their positions clear.


This final evaluation is a summative evaluation that evaluates the DGD programme as a whole, but not every outcome was given equal weight in the evaluation. A mixed-methods approach was used for data collection, consisting of a combination of online surveys of the general public and volunteers, focus groups with nine local groups, Outcome Harvesting, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. For the analysis of political discourse, contribution analysis was conducted for three selected lobby processes (Liveable Income in the Chocolate Sector, Duty of Care, and Unfair Trading Practices).

Client: Oxfam Wereldwinkels
Development NGO

Geert Phlix

Contractor: Eva Wuyts

Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium