Year: 2021 | Topic: Capacity building
ILAC's MENA programme covered eight MENA countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan), with a particular focus on Tunisia and Libya. Besides a coordinating role by ILAC, the programme was implemented by five of its members (NCSC, IBAHRI, ABA ROLI, RWI and PILPG) and funded by SIDA (SEK 46 million).
This report presents the findings of an end-term evaluation of the MENA programme.
The programme envisaged the following four outcomes:
- Outcome 1: ILAC Secretariat supports relevant and effective RoL reform by guiding and facilitating its members work
- Outcome 2: Targeted Tunisian legal and justice sector actors apply more effective, transparent and accountable practices
- Outcome 3: Improved judicial and legal education contributes to legal and justice sector professionals applying human rights to benefit men and women equally
- Outcome 4: Libyan civil society and justice sector promote human rights, gender equality and transitional justice processes
This evaluation aimed (i) to assess the partnership, the relevance, the efficiency, the effectiveness and the sustainability of the MENA programme and (ii) to formulate recommendations that build on unique/effective approaches (good practices) to enhance access to justice and RoL in fragile and conflict settings and lessons learnt on what works, why and in what context.
The report formulates conclusions and recommendations regarding the partnership of ILAC, the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the MENA programme. For each evaluation question, an assessment was also made of what worked well, room for improvement and lessons learnt. A short evaluation brief of two pages was also developed to summarise the evaluation findings and conclusions.
Client: ILAC
Budget: 35 000 euro
Corina Dhaene en Loes Debuysere
Contractor: Eya Jrad
Continent: Middle East and North Africa
Country: Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
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