Year: 2022 | Topic: Lobby and advocacy
FOS, SolSoc and IFSI/ISVI contribute to the implementation of the Decent Work agenda in three regions (10 countries in Central America, Andes and Southern Africa) and in Cuba, supported by policy advocacy in Belgium and Europe. Together with their partners (trade unions, social organisations and socio-economic initiatives), they fight for better labour rights, social protection (focus on access to and quality of health), right to work and for effective social dialogue.
FOS, SolSoc and IFSI/ISVI invest in capacity building of their partners through trainings, technical assistance (offered by their own staff, local experts and/or local NGOs and study bureaus), (international) exchanges, networking, financial support and investments.
The evaluation used outcome harvesting, workshops and analysed available monitoring data. In addition, the evaluators also organised interviews, visited three partner countries (case studies) and conducted a contribution analysis of policy work (17 lobby cases).
Four regional reports are available: Andes, Cuba, Central America and Southern Africa.
Client: FOS
Social organisation
Geert Phlix
Contractor: Huib Huyse, Hazel Kwaramba, Qureisha Nagdee, Judite Chipene, Leandro Echt, Claudio Velasco, Rosa Jordan, Daniel Rodriguez, Gaston Lopezmbe, Seida Barrera Rodriguez, Ernesto Dominguez Lopez, Gladys Morales, Yamileth Moreno, Angel Castro