Year: 2020 | Topic: Monitoring and evaluation
ACE Europe provided support in the field of monitoring and evaluation to the different stakeholders involved in the program ‘Other Talk’ which aims at generating influence on the public perception of refugees and migrants within Dutch and Flemish society through actions in three domains: media, CSOs and educational institutions. Focus is on strengthening capacity of stakeholders for monitoring and evaluation through coaching, workshops and development of appropriate tools.
ACE Europe supported implementing partners in developing a MEL (Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning) framework. This framework enabled themto monitor progress at project level (individual grants) and at programme level. The framework clarified what information and data need to be collected, by whom, how, when and in what meetings the data will be interpreted (sense-making) and discussed (to serve learning and decision making) and it prepared the stakeholders for monitoring and evaluation, by development of appropriate methods and tools. Focus of methods is on qualitative methods, such as outcome harvesting. The proposed method for impact evaluation is based on process tracing and contribution analysis.
Client: Porticus
Partners: HIVA KU Leuven
Budget: €32.100
Corina Dhaene
Contractor: Jan Van Ongevalle (HIVA KU Leuven)
Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium, The Netherlands
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