Project details

MEAL track for NGO federations (2021)

Year: 2021 | Topic: Monitoring and evaluation


The three federations (NGO Federation, Acodev and Fiabel) strengthen the professional capacities of their members through learning-oriented activities. Objectives of the support track are (i) to strengthen the understanding of how ToC, interventions and MEAL can be better aligned, (ii) to strengthen organisations in setting up baselines and formulating indicators more specifically in the areas of policy advocacy, global citizenship education, gender, environment and capacity building as well as integration of the SDGs, (iii) to support organisations in developing a practical and clear MEAL action plan in the short and medium term.


The approach consisted of five components:

Hatch A: Analysis and insight

Hatch B: Baseline measurement and indicators

Hatch C: Development of action plan

Hatch D: Guidance on short-term implementation of action plan

Hatch E: Sectoral overview

Client: NGO federation

Budget: 60 000 euro

Executer: Corina Dhaene en Geert Phlix

Contractor: Eva Wuyts, Florence Kohnen, Wouter Rijneveld,

Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium