Year: 2014 | Topic: Other
For a long time the Flemish NGO Federation organizes trainings around PCM and results based management for new employees in the NGO sector. ACE Europe provided this 3-day training sessions in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The courses are based on practical examples of NGO operationsin the South (project implementation and support of partners) and projects in the North (development education and cooperation with schools, advocacy and lobbying, campaigning, ...). The NGO federation decided to support the trainings with a manual in which background information is given around PCM and results based management and in which practical exercises provide tools to NGO staff to improve the quality of their project formulation. ACE Europe developed this manual and integrated input and critical comments of various NGO workers who had followed the training in previous years. Examples of exercises are: 'problem tree', 'determining a strategy', 'from indicators to monitoring and evaluation', 'analysis of stakeholders' and 'formulation of assumptions and risks'.
Manual with exercises (in Dutch), to consult on the website of the NGO federation: The publication is directly accessible for members, non-members should contact the NGO federation.
Client: NGO Federation
Executer: Corina Dhaene
Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium
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