Project details

MEAL process for NGO federations (2022)

Year: 2022 | Topic: Monitoring and evaluation


This assignment is about further professionalising the M&E capacity of Belgian CMOs and IAs and builds on previous trajectories. The framework is that of the ANGS DGD programmes launched in early 2022. More specifically, it involves the operationalisation of the monitoring and evaluation of the ToC behind those programmes and the M&E of the results framework (with indicators and targets).


ACE Europe organised training sessions and offered coaching to member organisations. A MEAL guide was also developed.

Client: NGO federatie

Budget: 13000 euro

Corina Dhaene en Geert Phlix

Contractor: Jozefien de Kwaadsteniet, Qureisha Nagdee, Eva Wuyts

Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium