Year: 2020 | Topic: Development education
Four Belgian French-speaking university NGOs work hand in hand to build a fairer world and join forces in the realisation of projects, both in the South as in the North, under the name Uni4Coop. The objective of the support by ACE Europe is to strengthen the skills of the members of the ECMS (Education for Global Citizenship in Solidarity) team of UNI4COOP and to formulate a new program based on a Theory of Change (ToC).
The work we did together deepened the understanding of participants of the context and the dynamics between the actors of change, allowed the participants to reflect on the desired societal changes and to be more realistic about Uni4Coop's contribution to change as an NGO. This helped Uni4Coop to set more explicit and achievable goals.
Client: UNI4COOP
Executer: Corina Dhaene
Continent: Europe
Country: Belgium
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