Year: 2022 | Topic: Development education
The main purpose of the evaluation was accountability and learning. The programme was implemented jointly by Caritas and the Justice and Peace Commission (CJP). It is a €12.82 million programme, jointly funded by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Caritas/CJP. EMMo aimed to empower specific target groups to bring about structural change in seven countries: Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Haiti, Niger and Rwanda.
The programme was structured around two tracks of change (North and South).
In the six partner countries in the South (Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Haiti, Niger, Rwanda), EMMo aimed to improve food and nutrition security by four dimensions (availability, accessibility, stability and utilisation) and exploring processing and processing and marketing in value chains (especially in DRC). The target groups were smallholder farmers, women, unemployed youth and landless people.
In Belgium, the programme aimed to contribute to a sustainable, inclusive and responsible society by engaging in awareness raising, training and support for action around the issues and interconnections related to migration and development; consumption and exploitation of natural resources; democracy and natural resources; democracy and living together. The target groups were the media, world education actors, schools/teachers and policy makers.
The evaluation assesses the entire programme, taking into account all OECD DAC criteria, and documents lessons learned and makes recommendations for the future joint programme. The evaluation was conducted between January and June 2022 by a team of three Belgian and four national evaluators (DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Niger). The evaluation team organised field missions in DRC, Rwanda and Burundi. In Niger, a self-assessment was organised with the support of a consultant. For Ethiopia and Haiti, given the context of war (Ethiopia) and crisis (Haiti) and the unavailability of teams, the evaluators conducted a desk study. In Belgium, a case study approach was used to assess the (causal) links between the programme and the observed changes.
Corina Dhaene en Loes Debuysere
Contractor: Pol De Greve, Germain Nyembo, Innocent Simpunga, Diane Mpinganzima, Idriss Abagi
Continent: Europe, Africa
Country: Belgium, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Niger, Rwanda
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