Year: 2014 | Topic: Gender
The evaluation consisted of three parts : evaluation of the MDG3 Fund, a fund that provides financial support to women's organizations around the world, an analysis of the bilateral support for gender equality and an assessment of the bilateral support for interventions concerning land rights. Based on a desk study of the MDG3 Fund, ACE Europe selected 17 projects in three countries (Egypt, Bangladesh and Mozambique) for a deeper analysis , eight of those projects were visited in the field. In the same countries, 11 projects were visited to assess the the bilateral cooperation. for gender equality Themes of the projects were: political representation of women, combatting violence against women, gender equality in employment and on the labour market, property and inheritance rights for women. The analysis used the concepts of gender equality, empowerment and advocacy and lobbying. Six projects around land rights were examined in three countries ( Rwanda , Burundi and Mozambique.
Evaluation report of the MDG3 Fund and contribution to the overall report on the Fund and the bilateral support for gender equality, published by IOB, the Netherlands.
Client: IOB, the Netherlands
Dutch Government
Partners: South Research, IDIS, Centre for Development Studies (Caïro)
Budget: 105.339 EUR
Geert Phlix (lead), Corina Dhaene
Contractor: Hannelore Beerlandt, Barabara Simaeys, Johan Stessens, Samah Helmy, Diane Mpinganzima, Zobaida Akhter
Continent: Africa, Asia
Country: Bangladesh, Burundi, Egypt, Mozambique, Rwanda
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